Getting Started
CONNECT with groups in your vicinity to see what work has already been done. View the below map to find a group, or fill out this form to add your group.
If the RESEARCH hasn't been done, run this list of rated book reviews, starting with the 5s (worst) through your school's library database. Sort by the "date added" column to discover new additions to keep it up to date. Video tutorial here. and this is the second half of the tutorial if you're making a map. Some schools may require passwords. Contact the school librarian for help in getting into a searchable database online. The video references a template for making a map, which can be found here.
ASK your principal, librarian and school district what needs to be done to remove vulgar material. Start the process. For information on common arguments for keeping vulgar and obscene materials, please see this sheet on talking points.
If the books won't be removed, PUBLICIZE the problem to get more legislators, school board members and parents involved. Share this brochure. Print out excerpts of what is in your school's library and share it in a binder. You can view sample binders here. These slicksheets are a one-page way to share the content. Or you can find the full reports in this spreadsheet under the "Link to rated report" column.
Create a WEB PAGE to share with parents where you can track the books that are specifically in your school or district. We can create one for you, if you'd like. See sample pages under the secondary tabs that pop up in "National Teams." We can also create the district map for you if your district allows for district-wide searching on Follett.
Build personalized, professional and persistent RELATIONSHIPS with your legislators and school board members and encourage your friends to do so as well. The We Govern App, available in the App Store and Google Play Store was built to help groups build effective relationships.
Ask legislators to RUN A BILL. See here for some sample legislation that was passed.
Ask school board members to CREATE A POLICY that will help get out vulgar materials. View this page for sample policies.