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We have been steadily working on reading, reviewing, and rating books. We generally add 3-5 new titles per week. Not all of the books are objectionable. Some have 0/5 ratings, and some like To Kill a Mockingbird and Turning 15 on the Road to Freedom, deal masterfully with important, yet difficult topics such that parents may want to gauge the age of exposure for their child. The inclusion of books in this list is because the book was reviewed and we have information to share with parents.
Below is our searchable database of books that have been reviewed. We keep a working spreadsheet with a link to all of the reports, publishers, authors and ratings. Anyone may access, copy and use this spreadsheet found here.
For more information on ISBN numbers and the variation between content and page numbers please see this ISBN explanation here.

WARNING-not appropriate for children
All of the following content falls under the Fair Use Law and is for the sole purpose of alerting parents of the dangers available to children in public and government school libraries.